Ice: 470 magical damage, Water (ice animation) (2 MP) Ice 2: 596 magical damage, Water (ice animation), MT (8 MP) W/ SonicArrow - 170 Physical Damage+80% Slow, 20% crit rate

W/ Valkyrie- 276 Physical Damage, 40% Crit Rate Reduces Ice/Water Elemental Damage by 20%Īttack: 222 Physical Damage+50% Stop, 40% crit rate Siren: 140 ATK+50% Stop (Stop lasts about 2.75 enemy turns, can not be reapplied and the enemy is guaranteed to get their first turn after Stop wears off even if it's reapplied in the interim) Under Sleep, Flare does ~2197 damage.įlame Toss: 275 magical damage, Fire, line (1 MP)Ītk: 109 (136 w/ Valkyrie) Sleeping characters are reawakened by taking any damage the status does not wear off on its own. Hypno Wave: inflicts Sleep, 70%, MT (1 MP). Napalm: 538 magical damage, Fire, GT (3 MP) Protect: Cut physical damage sustained by 1/3 (6 MP) Mega Bomb: 1414 magical damage, Fire, GT (15 MP)įire 2: 625 magical damage, Fire, MT (8 MP) W/ Shockwave: 188 Physical Damage+50% Chaos, 20% Crit Rateįlare: 1842 magical damage, Fire, MT (20 MP) Other Equip Options: Taban Helm, 24 DEF, +10 MDEF. Taban Suit: 79 DEF, Fire Guard up, SPD +3 WonderShot (Shock Wave): 250 ATK, variance Mdef: 87 (79% Magical Durability) (31% w/ Taban Helm) Slash: 313 magical damage, Lightning (wind animation), line (2 MP)Ĭyclone: 459 (565) physical damage, group (2 MP)ĭef: 160 (148% Physical Durability) (166% w/ Taban Helm) Lightning: 373 magical damage, Lightning (2 MP) Spincut: 726 (894) physical damage (4 MP) Lightning2: 435 magical damage, Lightning, MT (8 MP) Life: Revives character to 250 HP, or slightly more than 25% (10 MP) Luminaire: 1540 magical damage, Lightning, MT (20 MP)Ĭonfuse: 1303 (1609) physical damage, spread over 4 hits (12 MP) Reduces Light Elemental by 20% (Note that Light Elemental Could be construed as several different elements, but is typically seen as Lightning)Īttack: 369 (453) physical damage, 10% (70%) crit rate Swallow (Rainbow) : 145 ATK, Spd+3 (220 ATK, 70% crit rate) MP costs of all techs are listed in parentheses I'm not sure about negative statuses, but they all seem to last either a damn long time or forever.ĥ. Buffs last, from what I understand, 60 seconds, which is about 20 rounds on the default battle speed. Might eventually somehow work this into the topic.Ĥ. Everyone but Lucca and Magus would want this for a default, since it increases Defense by 5 and reduces Fire damage by 80%. These are arguably legal that are bought in 6,500,000 BC with the trade system instead of cash. CT characters get turns at time intervals proportional to (25-Speed), though due to human delay in entering commands that 25 is probably closer to 26 for PCs. Speed: Affects how fast the characters get actions. Against Side Kicks, a 58-Hit Ayla (she was overlevelled, yeah) connected nearly 100% of the time, while the rest (hovering around 30) connected only around 40%.Įvade: Affects character evade rate again, most enemy attacks in CT are unevadable, so this stat is near-worthless in-game.

Hit: Affects character hit rate useless in game due to most enemies having no evade, but noticeable with evasive monsters. This factors in HP and M Def as compared to average, and uses this formula: (()/(102.4-84)) /(Ch.HP/918). Durability: How much the character takes to magic compared to average. Every point of magic defense causes damage to drop by 1/102.4. Defense: Damage taken from magic decrease linearly with this stat. This factors in HP and Def as compared to average, and uses this formula: ((255-Ch.Def)/(255-186))/(Ch.HP/918). Durability: How much the character takes to physicals compared to average. Derived by adding Stamina to armor power. Every point of defense causes damage to drop by 1/255. Also used directly in the damage calculations for Frog Squash and Dino Tail.ĭefense: Damage taken from physicals decrease linearly with this stat. Magic: Damage inflicted with magic rise linearly with (level + Magic). For Marle and Lucca, this is (Hit*2/3 + weapon power*2/3) for Ayla, this is a complicated function involving level and Power and for everyone else, this is (Power*4/3 + WP*5/9). Also used directly in the damage calculation for Robo Tackle.Īttack: Damage inflicted with physicals rise linearly with this stat. Power: Used to calculate Attack, unless your name if Lucca or Marle. (From Pipedreamer, with some updates from NEB)